Sunday, October 7, 2007

Autumn Promenade

Some photos, all taken by my human's very talented aunt of one of our walks this autumn :)

Monday, September 3, 2007

6 months old

Yesterday I turned all of 6 months old. Yeah, you read it right, I'm a big boy now! Yeah, baby, yeah!

Apparently I'm really difficult to take pictures of though, which is why there have been so few lately. My human says I run around like a madman. I have no idea what she's talking about...

Here sis and I are out for a walk. I love chasing her around.. She's a little bit less fond of it though. But what do I care? I have fun!

As you can tell, here I've cornered my sister and won't let her pass. I think it's a really fun game!

Still out for a walk. Here with a view over our nice lake where we like to go swim sometimes.

Whenever I'm by the lake I like to go into the water and lie down. I think it's really nice and cool! My human is less fond of it though when I come back home and jump into her bed when I'm soaking wet! I don't see the problem.. It will dry! Also, she wasn't very happy when I lay down in a pool of mud. She took me right home and into the shower! I don't get it.. to me it was as nice and cool as a pool of water!

Okay, so... Since I'm apparently so difficult to take a picture of, my human went ahead and took one of my sister instead. Since she will sit nicely. Pfff!!! By the way, my sister is 2 years old this month!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Sun, Water and Doggies

My sis isn't all that big on water. She'll walk in so her paws get wet, but then she'll kinda go 'eeew.. water'

Why is the big dog always picking on me???

When fetching the stick requires swimming, who do you think is up for the task! Well, not sis!!

What?? Just because the sausage is under the surface doesn't mean I can't get it!

A nice day at our little stretch of beach. As you can see.. I'm in the water while sis.. well, is not.

Taking a nap with sis. I wasn't the least interested in the doggie bed when it was in my human's room, but now that it's in the living room and my sister uses it.. well, obviously I have to use it too! Can't let her have it to herself.. that's just... not right!

Ok.. you got sausage, don't you! We can tell! Give us sausage!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Summer is Here!

Playing with my friends!

OMG! Help! There's a monster following me!

The stick is mine, and don't you think anything else!

What do you mean 'that stick is too large'??

Monday, May 7, 2007

Meeting the (dog) family

Oh boy do I have a lot of new friends!

My big sister, Bella, and I are getting along really well. At first she was a little unsure about me, being new in the family and all, but now we play together a lot! My human thinks sometimes I should leave my big sister alone, but we have so much fun!

We spent a lot of time outside in the garden where we run around and chase each other. I also like to play with balls or sticks. Or my human's feet. She doesn't want me to do that, but I don't understand why. They're so much fun when they move and I have to catch them!

I've also gotten to meet my extended family members - Tindra and Tamlin. My human didn't get a picture of me with Tamlin, but sure got one with Tindra. She's big, but she doesn't intimidate me! I'm not scared!

In fact, when she got too close I made a loud, little bark and boy did she run away! She went to her own human - Mia - and stood between her legs. I sure scared her off! I feel really brave now. I mean, look at the size of that head!
well now. At first she wasn't quite sure what to do with me, but now we run around and play all the time in the backyard. She's shown me all her favourite places and everything!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Coming Home

Friday 27 April I turned 8 weeks old, which means I'm now ready to find a new home. On Tuesday 1 May my human came to pick me up - the same one that five weeks earlier came and picked me out of the litter. She felt kinda bad for taking me away from my mom and my brothers and sisters, but I wasn't too concerned really.

To the left you can see my human hugging me. We get along really well, I tell you! She cuddles me and fusses over me all the time, and I like to keep her in my sight too. Well, most of the time at least..

I got to play a bit with my brothers and sisters before leaving of course, and as you can see... I dominate the stick!

We went on a long, long drive to my human's house, but I wasn't too bothered about that either. I take things in a stride, really I do! I was quite upset though when they were having some yummy bread and I wasn't allowed to eat since I might get car sick! What about them?! They can get car sick too.. not fair...

Once we arrived home I was quite curious to check out my new pad, and lo and behold there's a big dog there! Like.. a grown-up dog! I figured I had better lay low behind my human's feet, just in case. You never know what those big dogs might do to ya. But they better just wait.. I'll grow up too one day... and then they'll see!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Seven Weeks Old

Yep, that's it. I've reached the all-mighty age of 7 weeks! My human thinks I look like an adorable ragamuffin. I have no idea what she means by that...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007

First Time Outside

I'm now six weeks old and my brothers, sisters and I got to go outside for the first time. What an adventure!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Four Weeks Old

I'm just getting more and more handsome, don't you think?

We're now eating finely mushed dog-food. We react to whistles and are very social. :)

The First Meeting

On 25 March 2007 my human came to see me for the first time. When she arrived she wasn't sure who she would pick, but we sort of connected and she left there knowing that I was the one for her. And hey, how could she not after I sniffed her and decided I liked her? Would have been very rude of her not to choose me after that! I settled nicely against her and took a nap, feeling rather peaceful right there and in absolutely no rush to leave.

My First (real) Food

24 March 2007 we all got to try "real" food for the first time. Formula, so a bit thicker than what we've been used to so far.

We've also started climbing out of our box :p

Three Weeks Old

And I'm growing.. and growing.. and.. growing!

We're all starting to move around a little now and I can bark! Apparently people think it sounds a bit.. well, pitiful still.. but they just wait.. I'll show them!

Two Weeks Old

I'm getting bigger! Look! Also, I've now opened my eyes. Since I'm young they're still blue of course.

What do you mean I have to lie still so you can take a photo??