Saturday, April 21, 2007

Seven Weeks Old

Yep, that's it. I've reached the all-mighty age of 7 weeks! My human thinks I look like an adorable ragamuffin. I have no idea what she means by that...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007

First Time Outside

I'm now six weeks old and my brothers, sisters and I got to go outside for the first time. What an adventure!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Four Weeks Old

I'm just getting more and more handsome, don't you think?

We're now eating finely mushed dog-food. We react to whistles and are very social. :)

The First Meeting

On 25 March 2007 my human came to see me for the first time. When she arrived she wasn't sure who she would pick, but we sort of connected and she left there knowing that I was the one for her. And hey, how could she not after I sniffed her and decided I liked her? Would have been very rude of her not to choose me after that! I settled nicely against her and took a nap, feeling rather peaceful right there and in absolutely no rush to leave.

My First (real) Food

24 March 2007 we all got to try "real" food for the first time. Formula, so a bit thicker than what we've been used to so far.

We've also started climbing out of our box :p

Three Weeks Old

And I'm growing.. and growing.. and.. growing!

We're all starting to move around a little now and I can bark! Apparently people think it sounds a bit.. well, pitiful still.. but they just wait.. I'll show them!

Two Weeks Old

I'm getting bigger! Look! Also, I've now opened my eyes. Since I'm young they're still blue of course.

What do you mean I have to lie still so you can take a photo??

A Week Old

Here I am, a week old already. Aren't I the cutest thing ever?

And here I am together with my brothers and sisters.

My Arrival

I was born on Friday 2 March 2007 at 7.58pm.

My mother is a Spanish Waterdog (Perro de Agua Espanol) and my father is an English Springer Spaniel.

Here you can see pictures of me, but a day old!

My human's mother says I looked like Dynamite-Harry from a Swedish movie called Jรถnsonligan. I have no idea what she's talking about. I'm adorable already then!