Yep, that's what my human, Em, is - she's a slowpoke. She's much too slow at updating my blog for me. Shame on her! I've got so much to say! I mean, I've had my vaccinations, we've moved to a new apartment - and apparently we're moving again in a couple of months - but I don't mind because she told me our new apartment will have a garden which means I can run in and out as much as I want this summer again -yay!
Also, my human lost the cable for her camera, so there have been very little pictures recently. However, she got a new one now (about time!) and I will share some pictures below.
I've become such a big boy now, I feel all strong and powerful. That is, until I see something moving - then I want to run in the opposite direction.. but don't tell anyone! Cause I really am big and powerful.. you know..
My favourite plaything is wooden sticks and I keep wanting to bring them inside, but for some reason my human doesn't want me to. I don't understand why, they're such fun things to play with!

Biting them to small pieces is great fun! My human seems less happy though when I manage to smuggle one inside and do that. For some reason she doesn't like all the small pieces covering her floor. Personally, I don't see the problem...

We currently live on the top floor, and I have a great view from the windows. My human thinks I've turned into a cat, but of course I haven't! Just because a dog likes to sit and sleep on the windowsill it doesn't make him a cat, now does it?

I don't like it when my human leaves me alone, so when she comes back I like to steal her shoes. It makes me feel much more comfortable to go to sleep when I know I have her shoes with me - since then she can't leave me alone. Hah!!

When it's snowing out I looooove to play in the snow. But I tend to take a lot of snow with me back inside since it gets stuck in my fur...
My sister Bella and I had a lot of fun playing in the snow at Easter as well!!