My sis isn't all that big on water. She'll walk in so her paws get wet, but then she'll kinda go 'eeew.. water'

Why is the big dog always picking on me???

When fetching the stick requires swimming, who do you think is up for the task! Well, not sis!!

What?? Just because the sausage is under the surface doesn't mean I can't get it!

A nice day at our little stretch of beach. As you can see.. I'm in the water while sis.. well, is not.

Taking a nap with sis. I wasn't the least interested in the doggie bed when it was in my human's room, but now that it's in the living room and my sister uses it.. well, obviously I have to use it too! Can't let her have it to herself.. that's just... not right!

Ok.. you got sausage, don't you! We can tell! Give us sausage!